Champagne and Sparkling Wine Can Be Enjoyed Any Time of Year

There’s no reason to wait for a special occasion to serve Champagne and sparkling wines. They can be enjoyed year-round and are especially nice to have on hand during the summer months.

nullOne reason they’re a natural choice is their versatility. They can be paired with a variety of foods including light appetizers, cheeses, shellfish, salmon and fresh berries. And is there anything better than a glass of Champagne or sparkling wine on a warm summer day? You’ll find many of them to be crisp, light and refreshing when served well chilled in a fluted glass to enhance their presentation.

As with all wines, reading the label is paramount in making a specific selection and helps to avoid the “grab and go” trap many of us fall into when at the store. First, remember that true Champagne only comes from the Champagne region of France and the bottle will be labeled as such. Everything else falls into the sparkling wine category, no matter which country it comes from.

Second, if you prefer dry wines, you’ll need to purchase Champagne or sparking wine labeled as “brut” rather than “extra dry”. This is because the level of dryness – or absence of sugar – goes from brut (dry) to extra dry (off-dry) to sec (slightly sweet) to demi-sec (sweet). This can be a bit confusing if you usually drink dry, non-carbonated wines, but with a little practice you’ll learn to distinguish the difference.

Next week I’ll offer a few personal choices of sparkling wines that make great summertime beverages.

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