Monthly Archives: May 2007

Buying For a Large Group? Keep it Simple With Reliable, Well Recommended Wines

Ah, the dilemma of buying wine for a large group of people. You really can’t justify purchasing something expensive, partly because infrequent wine drinkers probably won’t appreciate it and partly because you want to save it for yourself. On the other hand, you don’t want to come across as being too cheap, especially if that […]

Pair Up Your Next Barbequed Meal with a Variety of Wines

The barbeque season is in full swing, and choosing the proper wine to serve with grilled foods is a key element in maximizing the enjoyment of your meal. Selecting a wine requires you to consider two simple, but important things: what type of food is being prepared and what’s the dominant flavor? Lighter foods such […]

Wine Class at BTC

2:00 to 4:30 pm – Pairing Food With Wine. Explore the basic elements of taste for food and wine and take the guesswork out of your wine purchases when planning for meals, dinners out, or social occasions. Click on the Wine Classes Page for more information.

A $40 Syrah That’s Worth Every Penny

When I pay $40 for a bottle of wine I want to be absolutely certain that I’m going to get my money’s worth. Why? Because it’s just as easy to take that same $40 and buy four decent $10 a bottle wines that will provide me with a good measure of enjoyment over a longer […]

Newcomer Winery Dakota Creek in Blaine is Off to a Great Start

I think it’s always a good idea to consider quality allowances for startup wineries. I usually give them at least two to three years to make adjustments before I raise my expectation level in terms of the style and taste of the wines they’re producing. This certainly isn’t the case with Blaine’s Dakota Creek Winery, […]